Yoga Benefits for Women (The way of Celebrating Womanhood)
Women are the creation of emotions. You’ve probably heard this phrase sarcastically used in offices, families or public gatherings and you should not miss the social media memes. Well, that’s the feminine power to understand emotions and manage things.
This Women’s Day, let’s add one self-love practice to our daily life. The name of this self-love practice is Yoga. Women are blessed with nurturing personality traits. They can raise babies, run businesses and are blessed with empathy and sensitivity by the divine. Emotional understanding is a sign of strength. However, not letting others get under your skin and not allowing emotional manipulation to happen is a kind approach towards your inner peace. So, here is a suggestion on how yoga can help you keep your emotional health on track, along with your physical health.
Benefits of Yoga
Enhance self-awareness:
Most people are unaware of the hidden emotions stored in the body. You might feel slightly emotional after consistent yoga practices, but don’t worry. It’s always good to let go of things that are not serving you in becoming the better version of yourself.
Support hormonal health:
Menstrual cramps, childbirth and menopause are real rollercoaster rides. Yoga will help you be the best version of yourself in unfavorable situations.
Increase flexibility and strength:
No one doubts a woman’s strength when she wants to protect something or someone. Now, we need to focus on physical strength.
Mental health
There is so much to deal with on every woman’s plate. Yoga practice will help you to release happy hormones to boost your mood and improve attention and concentration.
Cultivate mindfulness:
You are chosen one, so you have to change the game. Be calm and keep doing your yoga sessions.
Better sleep & body (Weight control):
Your mind and body deserve good rest, so try not to compromise on your needs.
Bone strength:
Bone density is at risk in your thirties. Eating well, sleeping well, and moving your body will help you stay healthy.
Physical postures:
Sitting jobs, traveling, or standing work in the kitchen can cause bad posture or pain in your back, feet or neck area. It’s better to take precautions and improve your lifestyle with yoga.
Breathing techniques:
Inhaling and exhaling might sound normal, but it will help you avoid many unfavorable situations! 🙂
Meditation & mindfulness:
You are the queen of your life, so don’t give that power of being yourself to others. Yoga asanas will help you understand your needs on a deeper level and deal with the unsaid battles of emotions. Below are a few things to ensure your yoga practice is up to the mark. The time you invest is worth it, and you’ll notice the benefits.
Things to Consider for Yoga sessions:
Start Slowly:
Always be kind to yourself and take your time in the beginning.
Listen to your body:
Focus on yourself and make the choice to retain positive experiences.
Create a comfortable space:
It should be your happy and safe corner of the house, with sunshine and a few plants to add to the vibe.
Use props and equipment:
Always invest in quality props, as they will give you healthy returns.
Stay hydrated:
Be nice to your body. Eat on time, drink plenty of water, and remember, the rest of the world can wait.
Warm up properly:
Basic body movements like neck rotations, leg rotations, and shoulder rotations will help you get ready for other asanas.
Focus on your breath:
Inhale whatever adds value to your life and exhale whatever does not serve you.
Practice regularly:
Keep your promise to yourself.
End with relaxation:
Always be thankful.
Consult a professional if needed:
Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need to learn something new.
Keep celebrating yourself, more power to you! 😊
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